Thursday, April 1, 2010


The few of you that actually read this blog may or may not know that my dad has been having some health issues. It all started out with a slight twitching his hands and has evolved into so much more. His hands are shaking pretty regularly now, pretty much all the time. He has a slight memory issue, he just can't rememberr things like he used to. He went and had an MRI done which showed some pretty extensive atrophy in the left temporal frontal lobe of his brain. In lamens terms, the left side of his brain is shrinking. We saw the neurologist immediately, who just shrugged it off as "aging." My dad is 53 years old, no 53 year old man should have significant atrophy in their brain. We've decided to get a second opinion. My dad goes in to another neurologist on May 17th.
I've been kind of a mess over all of this. My dad, is probably, the best dad in the world. He has taught me so much over the years. He has taught me to be an independant person. I know that I am the person that I am today because of him, and the way I was raised. I really don't know what I would do without him and the thought of it brings me to tears. I am trying to be optimistic about everything, but I just always feel that I will be set up for disappointment.
So, if anyone has any thoughts or prayers or information for me, I'll gladly take it.

1 comment:

The Pink Cupcake said...

I'm so sorry Erin. It's hard to watch anything happen to our parents, they're supposed to be invincible in our minds. I know the name of a very good neurologist in West County, I trust her implicitly. If you want her contact info let me know. Or if you just need someone to talk to, I'm here!